Since I provide six different kinds of coaching, many women ask me which one would be better for them, so here is a brief description of the six kinds of coaching I currently provide. All of  my coaching is tailored to your specific, unique needs and desires....you can click the links below for more information:

Holistic Women's Wellness Life Coaching:  This is an empowering holistic wellness seven pillar life coaching system - the complete blueprint for transforming your health, relationships and life - so it's for women who want a comprehensive, whole-person approach to making their holistic wellness and life vision a reality, or for women who want to pick and choose which of the individual seven pillars they want to work on and improve.

Lasting Weight Loss with Love Coaching  - This is holistic, weight loss coaching that helps you to stop emotional eating and yo-yo dieting and instead helps you to practice intuitive eating, change the way you think about food and your emotions, create a healthy lifestyle without dieting and nurture a very loving and compassionate relationship with your body. This is for you if you are tired of dieting, struggling to lose weight, you're often critical and hard on yourself because of your challenges with weight, or if you're fed up with losing weight, only to gain it back once again. If you're ready to try something different with a holistic, evidence-based, loving approach, and you want to achieve lasting weight loss, Lasting Weight Loss with Love coaching is for you.

Stress Reduction and Holistic Healing Coaching- This is a four pillar mental and emotional, stress detox coaching system for women who are really struggling with acute or chronic stress in their lives and want to learn how to better manage or reduce it, and it is also for women who are currently in the process of healing from life-threatening or chronic illness and are seeking extra holistic healing support.

Healthy Love Relationship Coaching: This is for people who want specific coaching on creating, enjoying or attracting healthy loving relationships or who want to improve or move on from a current relationship, change their relationship patterns, or heal from a break-up or divorce. This will include learning how to have a very healthy, loving relationship with yourself, because that is the foundation for having a healthy, mutually loving and fulfilling relationship with someone else.

Secrets of the Empowered Woman Spiritual Coaching:  This is for women who are interested in coaching related to love and relationships, cultivating and embracing their feminine energy spirituality, creating a fulfilling life they love and how to be a powerful woman with love in all seven of their chakras, as I write about in my practical and inspiring book, Secrets of the Empowered Woman - Create the Healthy Love and Life You Want and Deserve

Love Your Life Coaching: General life coaching to help you to create the kind of life your heart desires, manage stress, change unwanted habits, build self-confidence and self-esteem, rewire false beliefs, find meaning and purpose in your life, strengthen resiliency and cultivate a growth mindset, navigate through challenging life transitions or loss with self-love , self-compassion and self-empowerment, get clear on what's most important to you, clarify your values, define what success means to you, find meaningful work or make your current work more fulfilling, prioritize your time and work toward achieving your goals, while at the same time enjoying the process and the journey of your life.

My signature coaching method - The Love Heals Method - is a holistic (body, mind, heart and spirit) wellness, love and life coaching system that focuses on the power of love - (starting with self-love!) - and the interconnection between your physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and relationship well-being. It is at the foundation of all of my coaching services that I just described above!


Hope this is helpful...as always, feel free to email me with any questions you may have, or schedule a complimentary Heart to Heart Coaching Consultation with me if you would like some support and want to ask questions and learn more!