Healthy Love and Life Coaching

Healthy Love and Life Coaching


"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it." ~ Rumi

Having healthy loving relationships with others is a very important component of holistic health and wellness, and this starts with having a very healthy, loving relationship with yourself!

Healthy Love Coaching with me will help you to: 

- Discover the root causes of your love and relationship challenges and how to overcome them

- Learn how to make the deep and lasting relationship changes you desire by fully embodying your Empowered Woman Within

~ Develop a healthy loving relationship with yourself

~ Recognize unhealthy or unwanted behavior or treatment from others

~ Learn how to set healthy boundaries with love and practice empowered loving communication skills

~ Navigate through and recover from a  relationship break-up, divorce or loss of a loved one

~ Identify, release and replace false beliefs about love, relationships, men or women and limiting, false beliefs about yourself

~Rewire your subconscious mind to align with your conscious mind's goals or desires

~ Work through relationship conflicts or challenges with a partner, friend or family member

~ Reconcile or finally let go of your ex

~ Recognize, understand and change your unfulfilling relationship patterns

~ Understand the deeper soul purpose of your intimate relationships

~ Attract or create the kind of healthy, mutually loving relationships you desire 




Enjoying fulfilling work and a career you love is also very important since many of us spend more than half of our waking hours at our job! 


Love Your Work career coaching with me will help you to:


~ Identify, release and replace limiting, false beliefs, develop a success mindset

~ Build both your self-confidence and your feelings of self-worth and take inspired, empowered action toward your career goals 

~ Get to the underlying root causes of why you might be sabotaging the achievement of your career goals, such as fear of failure and rewire your brain for success

- Identify the kind of work that you really want to do, find or rediscover your passion and discover your unique life purpose

- Transition from a job or work that you find unfulfilling or from a job loss to start a new career, or your own business or to find a new job that you truly love and enjoy!

- Develop an abundance and prosperity mindset

~ Navigate the job search, learn how to craft an effective resume, negotiate salary and develop excellent networking, public speaking and interviewing  skills



Changing habits, managing stress, building self-confidence, rewiring limiting false beliefs, growing through our challenges and finding a sense of meaning and purpose in our life are also very important components of holistic wellness.

We can't separate our life from our health, because the choices we make and how we respond to life affects our health...everything is interconnected!


Love Your Life coaching with me will help you to: 

~Develop deep unshakeable self-worth 

~ Find meaning in, navigate and grow through uncertainty, life challenges, life changes and life transitions

~ Overcome your fear of change and develop change confidence 

~ Learn how to become more resilient by cultivating a growth mindset, bounce back sooner from stress and adversity

~ Identify, release and replace limiting, false beliefs, develop a success mindset

~ Build your self-confidence and take empowered action toward your life goals 

~ Get to the underlying root causes of why you might be sabotaging the achievement of your life goals, such as fear of failure and rewire your brain for success - Navigate through and overcome

~ Navigate through and overcome any life challenge or loss you may be facing with courage, power and grace

" I found coaching with Sophia to be tremendously helpful...not only do I have a much more healthy and loving relationship with myself, but it has helped to find work that I love, improve my relationship with my family, and to finally let go of an ex-boyfriend so I can open my heart to someone new!"

  -Kaylee S

Click on the images below for more information... 

Have questions?
Contact me here to schedule a complimentary 30-60 minute Heart to Heart Coaching Consultation session!