Lasting Weight Loss with Love


  Holistic Weight Loss Program

Are you tired of dieting or struggling to lose weight?

Are you fed up with losing weight, only to gain the weight back once again?

 Do you tend to be critical of your body and hard on yourself because of challenges with your weight?

If so, it's time for a new and different approach!

 A very comprehensive, holistic and loving approach to weight loss...


Welcome to Lasting Weight Loss with Love holistic weight loss coaching, where you'll discover that extra weight is not just about the food you eat and the amount of exercise you do.

Achieving lasting weight loss also involves loving and listening to your body, creating a healthy lifestyle, creating a new relationship with food, your body and your emotions, and transforming how you handle stress. 

It requires unconditional love and utilizing the power of your mind, heart and soul.

  Why? because everything is interconnected!

Depending on you specific needs and challenges, Lasting Weight Loss with Love coaching with me will include the following and more: 

- Get to the root of your specific emotional eating patterns, transform how you handle your emotions and/or stress and create lasting change 

- End obsession around food and your weight as you learn how to listen to your body and learn about the ten principles of intuitive eating

- Overcome diet mentality and yo-yo dieting and harness the power of small daily habits to help you lose weight naturally and gradually as you create a healthy lifestyle 

- Change the way you think about food and nurture a loving, compassionate relationship with yourself and your amazing, intelligent body 

- Identify what your true needs are and what you're truly really hungry for...and how you can meet those needs in healthy, loving and empowering ways

  - Connect with your body wisdom, pay attention to natural hunger cues and make the best food and exercise choices for your unique body and life.

- Resolve any ambivalence or inner conflict about both wanting to change, and not wanting to change your behavior on a subconscious level.

- End self-criticism, self-sabotage, guilt, shame and blame

 -Make peace with food, your body and your emotions

- Understand and harness the power of the body, mind, heart and spirit connection as it relates to your specific weight loss challenge.

- Discover the root causes of your extra weight and the behavior patterns that go with it, rather than constantly calorie counting, temporarily dieting and gaining the weight back again and again!

 Experience gradual, lasting weight loss by loving your body, reducing stress, listening to your emotions, your needs and your intuition, changing your relationship with food and your body, discovering how and why you self-sabotage, uncovering the deeper causes of your weight loss challenges, releasing subconscious blocks to your success, practicing new, small healthy habits day by day and enjoying a healthy, sustainable, balanced diet and enjoyable exercise routine for your unique body and for your life! 

 Schedule a 30-minute Complimentary Heart to Heart Coaching Session with me to learn more, ask any questions you may have, and find out if holistic Lasting Weight Loss with Love coaching with me is just what you need to achieve the lasting weight loss your heart desires!

Or if you're ready to get started now click the images below!