The Healing Power of Self-Love - How to Love Yourself Audio Course

The Healing Power of Self-Love - How to Love Yourself Audio Course

  • $37.00
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In this powerful 110 minute audio course (which is actually a part of one of my more comprehensive audio courses)...

You'll discover and learn about:

- How self-love is an ongoing practice and the many different aspects of self-love

- How a lack of self-love contributes to dis-ease and how loving yourself is truly healing yourself on every level

- The difference between self-love and being selfish

- The difference between caring about someone and unhealthy caretaking

- The negative effects of defining your self-worth externally

 - How others often mirror back to us our relationship with ourself

- The difference between healthy boundaries and needy expectations

- The difference between self-esteem and self-confidence

- How to stop giving your power away and instead define your self-worth from within

- How to stop placing conditions on your worthiness 

- The energy of unconditional self-love

- How loving your body connects you to your intuition

- Letting go of perfectionism

- How self-criticism sabotages the lasting positive changes you want to make

- Practicing self-compassion and self-forgiveness

- How to love yourself physically - how to love your body

- The four ways we abandon ourselves emotionally and how to love yourself emotionally

- Self-love and how to communicate healthy boundaries in your relationships

- How to love yourself mentally: how we take things personally and form false beliefs as children and how to release and replace false beliefs with loving self-talk and the power of your heart and self-love

 -How to become your own unconditionally loving parent

- Bringing it all together - a summary of the tools and practices learned in this course, self-love as a moment by moment choice and practice, the spiritual aspect of self-love, where our true worthiness actually comes from, and how to connect and align with the deeper or higher part of you who knows that you have always been, and that you will always be lovable and worthy, exactly as you are, right here and right now, in this present moment and in every moment!

Enjoy this course!  Sending you so much love!