Temple of the Rose School of Women's Wisdom and Love

Temple of the Rose

School of Women's Wisdom and Love

Would you like to learn how to better manage stress, increase your self-worth and self-confidence, cultivate a loving relationship with yourself or improve your relationship with others?

  Do you want to improve your physical, emotional or mental health?

Are you experiencing uncertainty, a major life change or a stressful life transition?

Would you like to discover your unique life purpose and reinvent yourself or your life?

Do want to learn how to navigate through life challenges while becoming more resilient and powerful because of them?

Do you want to experience lasting change and transformation with your body, your health, your relationships or your life?

If so, you're in the right place!

In today's age, so many women feel overwhelmed with information overload and don't have the time or the money to pay for hours of expensive online courses.

Like these women, I'm guessing you also don't have the time or patience to google search for hours sifting through information trying to find the best, most trustworthy and high quality content that you're looking for.

But what if you had all the teachings you desire at your fingertips and could easily and effortlessly listen and learn at your own pace to brief, informative and affordable audio sessions that you can fit right into your existing busy schedule, with no extra time needed? 

If that sounds good to you, you're definitely in the right place....

Welcome to The School of Women's Wisdom and Love...where knowledge is power...your one-stop shop for holistic (body, mind, heart and spirit) wellness and empowering, health, relationship and life transformation teachings! 

Grand opening - March 12th, 2024

Click images below for audio teaching descriptions!  A new teaching will be recorded each month!